
Before I had you I wondered often why people said “13 months” or “18 months” instead of “just over a year” or “a year and a half.” Then you came along. And, each and every day something new happens. You learn something new. Or, you do something new. Or, you say something new. 
If I could say, “He is 412 days old,” and not look like a weirdo then I totally would. 
You amaze me. And, saying that you are a year old doesn’t quite express all of the amazing things you have accomplished in this year. 
Take today for instance:
This morning you cuddled with me on bed and then you said, “nana, nana.” “Nana,” is your word for banana and really, any food in general. That let me know that you were hungry. So, I put you down on the ground, handed you your bottle and said, “bring this into the living room and we will get breakfast.” You took the bottle and walked into the living room. You were so in control and you understood me!

After handing your bottle to dad you looked at me and followed me into the kitchen. When I grabbed a banana you looked at me and clapped your hands. “Nana!” you said excitedly. You are associating objects with names which makes me thrilled beyond reason. 

In the afternoon you danced in circles to the sounds of the music playing in the background. You did a few new moves that I’d never seen before. You clapped because you knew you were doing something awesome.

After you had “done your business” you walked up to me with a package of wipes that you had gotten out of your diaper bag. You handed them to me expectantly and then followed me into your room when I suggested we change your diaper. 

Sure, we had to do a time out today. You like to test me when I tell you that you can’t go into the kitchen. But, it sure is hard not to smile when I see that you know what you need to do and keep looking to see if I am watching you. The way you barely put your foot over the line that separates the kitchen from the living room makes me laugh all over on the inside (even if I say no sternly on the outside). 
And then, this evening you melted my heart when you greeted your father with a huge hug. You didn’t want to let him out of your sight. You followed him everywhere as soon as he got home. You then went outside with him and walked around the house, picking up the apples that had fallen from the trees. 
Part of me wishes you could remember today. The other part is thankful that years from now you won’t have to remember what it was like to have your mom clean your backside or how it feels for those four teeth cutting through your gums. But, today you were happy and you learned so much. Today, number 412, was a day I will never ever let myself forget. 
I love you,

Jenni is a blogger and marketing professional in Portland, Oregon. A Well Crafted Party is a blog about all the little things to celebrate in life. Follow Jenni or A Well Crafted Party with BlogLovin, RSS feed, Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.

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