

Happy April Fools! As usual, Google never disappoints!

I was so very sick this weekend that I did nothing at all except try my best to catch up on the mountain of work I had. BTW… writing while on cold medication is a joke. I felt like I was trying to write with half a brain. I’m pretty sure my editor thought I had half a brain while he was going over my work. Because I was so sick and basically chained to my laptop, I didn’t take a single photo of my weekend.

Today is of course April Fool’s Day. I’m loving seeing everything on Facebook today. The lovely ladies from Prudent Baby literally made me laugh out loud with their “How to Knit a Merkin” post today.

I can’t WAIT to see your photos/ posts/ tweets about this past Easter weekend. Remember, anything that YOU did this past weekend counts. Please share about this little linky party. I really want it to be used as a way to connect and share a little bit of our personal lives with each other. I’m all for new DIY items and parties (obviously) but, I want to get to know YOU and get a glimpse into your awesome lives. Feel free to link up an Instagram photo of something you did this weekend, a post about your weekend, or even a tweet that gives us a weekend glimpse!

Now… tell me all about YOUR weekend! 
Link up your posts/tweets/instagram pics of something you did this weekend.
 I’ll share some of my favorites on Sunday for my {What a Weekend} feature post!

Linky Party Suggestions:

  • Please add this button to your blog post, or somewhere on your blog, so others can see and share as well!
  • Check out the blog post of some of the people in the party and comment! Everyone loves a little comment love. 
  • By sharing your link in the Linky you are giving me permission to post about the post on my blog, including using photos (with credit).



Today, March 14 (3.14) is National Pi Day!

In honor of today we are having dinner with some friends and everyone is bringing pie! We’ll have an appetizer pie, main-course pie, and dessert pie to enjoy. I may bring a little mini pie just so we will eat 3.14 pies together— it just seems appropriate.

I’m super excited about the pie I am making. I’m in charge of the main course pie… Instead of making the oh-so-obivious (yet, loved) Chicken Pot Pie, I am making a Pork and Apple Pie with a Cheddar and Sage Crust. YUM.

My weekend began on Thursday with a lovely Valentine’s Day! I mean… it was the BEST. My little guy and I hung out during the morning hours and met my husband for a delicious Japanese lunch at Koji Osakaya in downtown Portland. We love this restaurant for its authentic cuisine and great service. The little guy even managed to work his chopsticks a bit! While my husband went back to work the little one and I hit Playdate PDX for some good ole fashion playtime. I was certain that after 3 hours of playing hard on the Playdate PDX indoor playground X would go to bed early in the evening. But, alas…. he was not giving in! I made a steak for dinner and topped it with a spicy cherry salsa. SO GOOD. And, finally, the night ended off with a nice hot bubble bath with a glass of wine. It was the best Valentine’s Day I’ve had in a long, long time. What did you do for Valentine’s Day?
Lately I’ve been trying to make a point out of hanging out with just the ladies at least once a month. Friday night the hubby watched the kiddo while I went out to paint the town red with a few ladies. The night was an evening filled with delicious Paddy’s lemon drops, an amazing steak sandwich from the Realto, and a lot of laughs. The pictures above are at the end of the night when we started getting silly with our iPhone cameras. Jenn, of Pfaus Photography snapped the beautifully lit shot of us ladies being ridiculous with her iPhone… check her out on Instagram!
After such a busy couple of days we decided to hang out at home and be a little lazy. We played outside in our pjs, enjoyed homemade cauliflower-crust pizza, and chilled on the couch. I did get some new sketchs done and they’ll be heading to my Etsy shop soon!
What did you do this weekend?
* This is a for-profit blog that accepts sponsorship in many forms…. however, none of the companies mentioned on this page are sponsors of A Well Crafted Party. I really did go to these places! No product/money was given in exchange for this post.