
A Well Crafted Party


This is a guest post featuring one of the delicious hors d’oeuvres that was pictured in the Chic & Modern New Year’s Eve party featured on This is part of a Portland Blogger’s Collaboration photo shoot and post series. Read on to see a recipe for a delicious (and easy!) party appetizer: The Blini with Creme Fraiche and Caviar.

For the past two years my friend Joan and her husband Brandon have used Alton Brown’s Power Pepper trick to pepper our potatoes. They are always in charge of the turkey and the mashed potatoes each year… and, while they loved the taste of fresh ground pepper, they hated how much effort it took to grind enough pepper to properly pepper the potatoes.
Then… they saw Alton’s trick of attaching a drill to a pepper grinder and never looked back! They took the lid of the pepper grinder off and attached their drill to the rod that spins the grinder. Then, holding the grinder firmly in one hand, they pushed power. Not only did everything get properly peppered… but, they got to play with power tools in the kitchen. WIN WIN.