
fairytale party


Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party

Happy Halloween!

For the past six years my husband and I have hosted a Halloween party at our home. We (or, should I say… I) love this holiday. I love the theatrical nature of it. I love the multitude of themes. I just love it.

We’ve done several different themes over the years. So, this year, when we were looking over our budget and schedules we were sad to have to tell everyone that we were not going to have a party. But, just like that, I found a full-time job after two years of searching and working from home part-time. Then, suddenly, the party was back on the table!

Without a ton of planning, we pulled off a fun Fairytale themed Halloween party over this past weekend. Our friends helped out a ton by bringing over food or beverages. We decorated the tables with items we had on had, found inexpensively at the grocery store, or made.

I was a terrible blogger (as I have been over this past month) and didn’t take any photos of the party before the party actually happened! Thankfully, I have two wonderful friends in Bee (The Spicy Bee) and Suzannah (Adventures in Dressmaking) who brought along their cameras and snapped some shots.

Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Cinderella’s Pumpkin Cupcakes made by Bee. Recipe is up on her blog today!

This post is going to take a bit to load because it is going to basically be a photo dump of the event. I’m sure I’ll come back to this party next year sharing all the little details. But, for today, I wanted to leave you with some fun Halloween pictures to help put you in the holiday spirit!

Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party

Fairytale Halloween // A Well Crafted Party
Jason and Suzannah— Iron Man and Black Widow (Iron Man is totally a Modern Day Fairytale, right?)
Our little family as The Little Mermaid– 15 years later.
Bee and her hubby as Little Red and her Lumberjack

I hope you all have a lovely and safe Halloween. Tonight the little guy is going trick or treating for the very first time!