


What a day. I’ve been up and eating amazing food since 8 am. FEAST Portland is an amazing celebration of the Oregon bounty and culinary talents.

There is of course a lot more than just Oregon represented… But, lots of local goodies as well. I can’t wait to write more about the experience. But, for now, here are a few snapshots of my crazy (and awesome) day!

The photos are from my iPhone. Better images will come with the better stories. If you want to see more fun from FEAST check out the hashtag #feastpdx on social media.






Disclaimer: I was given a blogger pass to portions of the FEAST festivities. All opinions are my own.

Last night was the first evening for Portland Fashion Week. I had the most surreal (and amazing) day in my role as a PFW Style Collective Member. Today I’ll be attending two shows–as a matter of fact, I am writing this post while sitting in the gorgeous lounge section at this shows!

I’ve been MIA on the blog lately, which tears me apart since one of my goals (and something I recommend) is to stay more consistent with my blogging. I honestly can say that I’ve been working on some amazing projects and have been working on a ton of content. I just haven’t gotten it up! But, in this busy time in life I am all about forgiving myself and starting anew. I’ll get back to regular posting ASAP.

On to some snapshots of my day yesterday. I first headed over to our local Lucky Brand store to get style tips from two Lucky Brand stylists. I couldn’t believe that I tried on the first pair of jeans to get an absolute amazing fit! I’ll share more about this experience with outfit details soon!
After visiting Lucky, I hit PFW all dolled up in my new pair of complimentary plus size Georgia Weekender Jeans! I also wore an old, but favorite sparkly shirt from Old Navy and a favorite pair of booties… Also a few years old. I felt stylish (and comfortable) and didn’t feel out of place at all at Fashion Week. I’m hoping I am this happy with all of my FW looks! Also, super excited to spend time with other Portland area bloggers such as the lovely Sam Rosen (pictured below)
Thanks so much for reading and keeping up with this fun and crazy blog. I absolutely owe these amazing experience to you, my readers, and I feel so lucky that my work is paying off in such an unimaginably awesome way.

Disclaimer: I received free VIP tickets to Portland Fashion Week after being selected as a PFW style collective member. I did not receive additional payment. I also received complimentary goods from Lucky Brand. I did not receive additional payment. The choice to post was my own and all opinions, as always, are my honest opinions and only reflect my thoughts. Thank you!

Life has gotten so busy lately that I ended up taking an unexpected break from blogging. I’m not complaining… the busy has been wonderful, creative, and full of inspiration. It has also given me a TON of new content that I just have to get around to finding the time to craft and share posts about. Below are a few snapshots of life lately and some looks into what you’ll be seeing on the blog in the very near future.

Disclaimer: I received some free product and/or free entry into an event. Everything is disclosed below. All opinions are my own.

new dress and shoes
I was invited to a Portland Fashion Week event to meet designers and see some samples of their work. I wore this lovely new dress and shoes!
I was so nervous to meet the designers… but, they were so sweet and their work was awesome. Look forward to seeing more about local designers at the end of the month and into September. Sushmita of Amrapali was a beautiful soul and her work is fabulous.
I cannot wait to go visit Sun Jin Lee’s bridal shop in downtown Portland. Her work is out-of-this-world gorgeous. Lots of pretty wedding dresses will be featured soon!
I received an awesome VIP box from Puffs that included some fun workout items and their new Fresh Faces products. Look for a review soon!
Received a Lolly watch in the mail yesterday… it is cute AND it smells good too! Can’t wait to share my style post and an exclusive discount! Go check out their site and keep in mind which one you want so you can use your discount soon.
birthday boy
My little guy turned two. The party was fun and I have lots more wonderful photos from Macey of Motormouth Studios to share soon. And, I’ll have some cool free printables as well!
I’m still trying to get to my Athletic Club as much as possible and am still writing about my fitness journey on their blog. It is a slow process— but, I am seeing results!
Pukka Tea
I’ve been working hard on a fun Portland Food Bloggers’ event that is slotted for Saturday. Pukka Herbs sent some of their teas to share with the bloggers… it smells amazing. I can’t wait to open mine and try it!
Even though I was taking a break from blogging… I have been busy working. Lots of designs, emails, and plans have been made. Hopefully you’ll see the results here on the blog!


If you really just can’t get enough of me (why, thank you!) then check out my guest posts from the past week or two:

Or, follow me on Instagram or Twitter for lots of fun party updates this weekend!