


Disclaimer: I received a free pair of Cushe shoes to review for this post and one pair to give away to my readers. All opinions are my own.

Lately it has been a challenge for me to get dressed most days. I often opt for sleep rather than getting up and showering before my son’s very early waking hour. I wait until nap time to shower and change, unless I have work to finish. Embarrassingly often, I’ll still be unshowered and in my yoga pants until my husband gets home in the afternoon.

The idea behind me styling different pieces for the kiddo came from a styling project Lauren Hartmann, The Little Things We Do, did for her daughter on Instagram. She took 3 different clothing pieces and styled at least one of them into every outfit for 7 days.

I asked her if she minded that I totally copy her and do the same with my kiddo. I thought it would be a challenge to do something cute on a little boy and an excuse for me to get him out of his PJs everyday. She didn’t mind… as a matter of fact, she invited anyone to join in on #7daysofstyle on Instagram. I’m excited to be meeting moms of other little boys working with this challenge as well.

I love dressing my little man… I’ll be sad when he won’t let me choose his clothes anymore. Although, the way he likes ties/jackets/hats (he puts them on himself when running around the house in his diaper) I think he’ll probably continue to be pretty stylish.

This little outfit was what he wore to Thanksgiving dinner. He even kept his tie and jacket on for a majority of the evening.

CHRK ITB Tie, Cherokee Infant/Toddlers white dress shirt, Cherokee Infant/Toddler Blazer, Boy’s Cherokee Davidson Slip on shoes // Target — Skinny Jeans // Old Navy
Oh, and… I think his dad dresses pretty snazzy too.