
March 2012


I’ve said it before. I love food. And, I think a good party must have some good, good food.

So, at my party I wanted a wonderful menu that took very little time to prepare. I didn’t want to be in the kitchen the entire night of my party! So, with the help of Martha and a post on Eat Drink Pretty I came up with some filling crostini appetizers. I created 6 simple crostini recipes that I’ll share with you in two posts. There are no step-by-step photos because they are really that easy.
I love food. LOVE it. I like eating it. I like cooking it. I like reading about it. I even like watching shows about it. So, when it came to my birthday party I wanted good food that could be made quickly or ahead of time. I created a simple menu that anyone could work with for a party. I don’t like serving alcohol at a party without plenty of food. I started the entire party with some snacks laid out throughout the party space.

Everyone said I’d chop my hair off as soon as the baby started pulling my hair. I said, “Eh, I’ll just throw it in a pony tail!”

That worked for a bit. I typically looked like this:

Which I liked fine. But, I didn’t love always wearing it up. I also got a headache from all the weight on top of my head. But, I liked having long hair when I has the opportunity to wash and dry it. That was the hard part… Washing and drying that much hair took more time than this mommy had.

So, a change was needed. Oh, and I don’t do change lightly. I went into Bishops, sat down, and said, “Chop it all off!” The stylist looked at me like I was crazy until I said, “I have a 6 month old.” She agreed immediately.

So, I got the change I needed! Oh, I also got new glasses… Totally needed!

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