
February 2012


I wanted to share a few things I’ve discovered today that made me laugh and want to share.

1.  Google Reader lets your sort your feeds by newest, oldest, or by MAGIC. Yep, I choose magic.

2. The smartest most amazing kid (besides my own, of course) lives with the blogger at Sweetney. Freakin’ awesome is all I can say. The kid sure is acute. 😉

3. I will be writing a letter soon with the greeting, “Dear Self.” I agree that many of us (a lot of moms I know for sure) need a lesson in talking kindly to ourselves

4. I often think on how much originality is really out there any more, how much of my “inspired by others” projects should I post on-line, and the best ways to give credit where credit is due. Ashley Ann starts a great discussion on these topics.

I’m spending my weekend working at slinging drinks and food at the bar I work at and a BUNCH of writing. I have three big deadlines for stories I’m working on and have to somehow get 50 pages of actually useful and interesting writing done in just two short days. 
Procrastination is going to kill me one of these days.
What is on your plate for the weekend? 
Hopefully its full of tasty sweets, unlike my healthy and piled-high plate. 
(Metaphor taken too far—example above.)
My nursery (from when I was a baby) was made with love by my mom and my dad. It was a a Care Bear nursery. My dad did wood burnings and paintings of all of the carebears for the walls. My bedding was handmade. The curtains were handmade. My dad even surprised my mom with a beautiful rocking chair that had roses wood-burned all up the back of it. My mom put so much into my room and it was something I always looked forward to doing when I had my children. 
Our first painting job as husband and wife… crazy.
Painting the baby’s room
B put together X’s crib (with very little help)

I knew I wanted bright colors and robots for the theme for X’s room as soon as I found out that he was a boy. I spent forever looking for orange crib sheets (found some for $70, but decided to make them for a lot cheaper instead) and robot decor. In the end I made most everything in his room just because if I did find something it wasn’t baby appropriate or it was too expensive. 
Anyways…enough chatter, on with the pictures!
Sources and Tutorials will be linked at the bottom.

hand-made bed skirt and crib sheet

hand-made pillows and paintings with a hat wall

Hat wall, paper chains (left over from a party), and hand-made mobile

Painting from a friend, Etsy made robot, Ikea spice racks as bookshelves

And, the nursery in use:

Crib: Graco Lauren Style Convertible Crib from Walmart
Bedding: Made using this Prudent Baby tutorial and my own ingenuity for the crib skirt
Mobile: Made from a Martha Stewart Modern Baby Shower Story
Dresser: Malm from Ikea
Changing Table Cover: Land of Nod
Book Shelves: Beckvam Spice Rack from Ikea (painted white)
Stuffed Robot: Gift that came from the Snow Machine Etsy Store
Orange Diaper Buckets: From Target in their $ Section
Robot Paintings: Solid Colored ones painted by me, The cute robot and gears by my friend Alicia
Couch: Convertible Couch from Ikea —Style no longer carried
Lamps: Target—found near the college dorm decorating time

I do sell paintings similar to the ones pictured and do take special orders for other images.
If you are interested in one of my paintings, please just e-mail me!

See this guy?

Well, he and my hubby are pretty much IT for me. I have hobbies and passions…but, this year I discovered so much more love and an unreal amount of care for someone(s) other than myself.

So much that I want to write about them and my experiences as a new mom. I want to share with other moms, soon-to-be moms, and everyone else out there what my experience is like. But, if something I wrote ever put them in danger, embarrassed them, or came back to hurt them in some way I would never forgive myself.

As a blog reader, I really enjoy reading about people’s kids and the experiences of blogging moms. I love seeing kiddo photos. I really enjoy birth stories and stories about people’s weekends out and about their towns.

But, how safe is it for blogging moms to post about their kids? Which is what I’d like your opinion on. What do you think is safe and unsafe? What is the line? Should I leave out his photos? Leave out names, birth dates, whereabouts?

I’d love to hear your opinion on this topic. Blogging moms- where do you draw the line? How did you decide? Have you even thought about this?


– Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone