
January 2012

On a previous {Working on it Wednesday} post I shared an inspiration board for a Fall dinner party with a color scheme of whites, tans, browns and blues.
Guests were in charge of bringing desserts or appetizers while I was in charge of making a main course dish and two sides for 20 people. I challenged myself to keep the whole party within a budget of $125. The decor could only cost $25 and the food, favors and two bottles of wine had to ring in under $100.

The Budget Breakdown
$3 on plastic zoo animals
$4 on spray paint
$13 rugged burlap
$9 on flowers
Total: $29
 The rest of the decor were items I already owned
and items I made from things I already owned.
Food, Favors, and Wine: 
Wine— Two Bottles Free
Had leftover from Halloween party
Favors— Takeout boxes for guests to fill with desserts
(Boxes were $13.50, but I split the costs with a friend
who needed the other half of the box order for Thanksgiving)
Food— $82.00
The biggest part of this cost was the meat for 15 people.
I also added a vegetarian main course dish and a birthday cake to this shopping trip.
Total: $88.75
Total Party Cost: $117.75

Check back this week for recipes and DIY decorations.

Bloggers spend a lot of time stuck behind a computer screen.

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in this little land of blog posts and comments. 
It can even be fun at times… I feel like I’ve really gotten to know some of the people behind the blogs I read. I might even consider them FRIENDS. 
One of my bigger joys of this past year was getting the opportunity to actually MEET some of my new on-line friends in REAL LIFE. And, getting to meet them in person and see them as someone away from my computer screen has been enlightening and enriching.

Our last Portland Blogger Meet-Up was in December. We had snacks, crafts and a gift exchange.


Photos taken by Olga from Vintage Pretty

If you are a Portland Blogger and would like to join us for the upcoming meet-up please e-mail me
We will be meeting up Saturday, February 4th for brunch.

Some of the Portland Bloggers

Read about the last Blogger Meet-Up on these great blogs:

Sam Rosen: Portland Blogger Lunch
Running in Heels: Christmas Blogger Meet-Up
You Say It Best: Portland Blogger’s Meet-up
One Stylish Day at a Time: Weekend Re-Cap (Photo and small description)
Chic-Steals: Portland Blogger Meet-up, Lunch and Gift Exchange
Vintage Pretty: Blogger’s Christmas Party