


Portland Bloggers have been getting together for fun, casual meet-ups since October 2011. It has been great fun. We’ve done crafts, brunch, cocktail parties, and listened to a guest speaker. In planning these events I’ve been able to work with some really amazing bloggers who have offered up their spaces, donated their time and efforts, and rearranged schedules to attend.

 I’ve been wanting to grow the events into six fun meet-ups throughout the year. My hopes for the events are to include guest speakers and DIY projects during at least three of the meet-ups. The other three would be opportunities for bloggers to bring their significant-others along, family members, and eventually readers. This next meet-up is a family picnic that I have been looking forward to for a LONG while. I really can’t wait to meet everyone’s lovely families!

I knew the event needed to be in June to keep up with the every two months goal. But, I wanted a picnic…. and, in Portland the weather is a bit iffy in June. So, I picked late June hoping that the weather would cooperate.

So far the forecast is anything but hopeful. Myself (and others) have put a lot of time and effort into this meet-up and today I’ve just been stressed out about the weather. I’ve also been frustrated with myself, because I know better. I know better to plan an outdoor event without a plan B. Money was certainly a factor. Trying to keep these events cost free has been a difficult, but an important goal for me.

So, I’m habitually checking the weather reports hoping a strong wind pushes the weather away. I’m also trying to think of a good plan B. I’ve spent my entire day working on this…so, my post for today will wait.

In the meantime, I’m coming to you lovely party-people to ask: What do you do in these types of situations? And, if you are in the Portland area: Do you know of a venue that would be a good/inexpensive substitute for our event?

Thanks! And, remember…plan for rain!

UPDATE: Thanks so much to everyone that helped with advice! It certainly helped… and, now we have an alternate venue that is going to work out wonderfully. 

I took a vacation this past week. I had a wonderful time with my husband being off work all week and my sister-in-law visiting. I even threw a party and met with a wonderful lady in preparation for another party. So, I’ve been prepping all of the great posts that I hope to be putting up this week. 
I threw my hubby a 30th birthday party and planned an instagram challenge for his big day. 
Instagram shot from an “Old Man” party
I also got to enjoy the sun with my son. 
Enjoying the Willamette River.
Celebrate my husband’s first Father’s Day.
My hubby and baby enjoying Father’s Day at the Widmer Gasthaeus
And, take my kiddo’s 10 Month photos.
It was a fun week!
 this week is going to be all about prepping for the June Portland Blogger’s Meet-Up and Family Picnic. If you are from the Portland area and you blog please e-mail me for all the fun information!